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43 js check the length of a string 43 json jquery ajax request 43 json jquery ajax request 43 layout homepage 43 link to an external stylesheet 43 linking search results to view pages [finished] 🤣 43 linux mount a drive manually 43 linux mount a drive manually 43 list a functions variables or arguments 43 list group card item template 43 list group card item template 43 list group card item template 43 list group card item template 43 list group card template 43 list group card template 43 list group card template 43 list group card template 43 list group card template 43 list group card template 43 list items from blog and filter by category name 43 load a youtube video in a fancybox modal 43 load from fields array php class function 43 load json data url or api with javascript 43 load random videos module using template 43 load the latest single item only 43 log the console log output to a div 43 log the console log output to a div 43 log the console log output to a div 43 loop through a complex object json javascript 43 loop through a complex object json javascript 43 loop through each directory in a target directory 43 loop through each directory in a target directory 43 loop through each directory in a target directory 43 loop through each directory in a target directory 43 loop through each directory in a target directory and compress them 43 loop through object json javascript 43 make your images look non squished when not using image backgrounds v2 43 make your images look non squished when not using image backgrounds v2 43 match a category id in wordpress and then add styles just for that id 43 match a category id in wordpress and then add styles just for that id 43 meta refresh reload page 43 minutes to decimal calculator javascript version 43 mithril testing 43 more complex responsive tables css 43 more complex responsive tables css 43 more complex responsive tables css 43 mouse outline svg 43 mouse outline svg 43 mouse outline svg 43 mouse outline svg

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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Random CSS Property


The content CSS property replaces an element with a generated value. Objects inserted using the content property are anonymous replaced elements.
content css reference