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4 check box highlight text area css 4 check box highlight text area css 4 check box highlight text area css 4 check box highlight text area css 4 check box highlight text area css 4 check browser version and show a message 4 check browser version and show a message 4 check browser version and show a message 4 check browser version and show a message 4 check browser version and show a message 4 check browser version and show a message 4 check column exists in table sqlite 4 check column exists in table sqlite 4 check column exists in table sqlite 4 check column exists in table sqlite 4 check how fast your usb drive connections are windows 4 check how fast your usb drive connections are windows 4 check how fast your usb drive connections are windows 4 check how fast your usb drive connections are windows 4 check if a certain query string is set then apply it to all url's on the page 4 check if a certain query string is set then apply it to all url's on the page 4 check if a certain query string is set then apply it to all url's on the page 4 check if a certain query string is set then apply it to all url's on the page 4 check if a certain query string is set then apply it to all url's on the page 4 check if a file exists with php 4 check if a file exists with php 4 check if a product already exists by its md5 4 check if a product already exists by its md5 4 check if a query string item is set in the current url 4 check if a query string item is set in the current url 4 check if a timestamp is older than one hour 4 check if a timestamp is older than one hour 4 check if a timestamp is older than one hour 4 check if a timestamp is older than one hour 4 check if a ul contains a ul li 4 check if a ul contains a ul li 4 check if a ul contains a ul li 4 check if a user is logged in using sessions 4 check if a user is logged in using sessions 4 check if a user is logged in using sessions 4 check if a variable is undefined or NULL 4 check if a variable is undefined or NULL 4 check if an item id exists in javascript 4 check if an item id exists in javascript 4 check if an item id exists in javascript 4 check if an item id exists in javascript 4 check if something is an array 4 check if something is an array 4 check if the file is a directory or check if the directory exists in php 4 check if the file is a directory or check if the directory exists in php

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
Old programmers never die; they just lose some of their functions.
Random CSS Property


The text-emphasis-position CSS property sets where emphasis marks are drawn. Like ruby text, if there isn't enough room for emphasis marks, the line height is increased.
text-emphasis-position css reference