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52 list group card item template 52 list group card item template 52 list group card template 52 list items from blog and filter by category name 52 list_all_array an early stages of list all function that uses an array to pass in main variables 52 load content with jquery 52 load oldest item based on insdate then update the insdate to now - load_latest_single_update 52 make a nice readable date using a timestamp string function make_nice_date 52 make clickable element with clickable class 52 make labels or badges look better 52 making var_dump look nice 52 mouse outline svg 52 nice webkit scrollbars (scroll bar, web kit, nice) 52 open sans @import embed font quick 52 php basic page router 52 php check if url is valid with filter_var 52 php convert date now into a sql timestamp 52 php convert date now into a sql timestamp 52 php countries array to dropdown form element 52 php export csv from string to browser download 52 php return json header and content 52 php return json header and content 52 preg replace clean a string only allow a-zA-Z0-9 characters 52 preg_replace ereg_replace replace all chars 52 preg_replace ereg_replace replace all chars 52 pretty printing json with php 52 pretty printing json with php 52 pulsating dots - glow glowing 52 pulse map dots 52 purple partyhat price info feb 21 52 python Install Beautiful Soup 52 python import and print url 52 python import and print url 52 random string generator guid 52 react basic hello world 52 react hello world with time and date updating 52 react hello world with time and date updating 52 remove border glow css from textarea on select 52 renew all SSL certificates with certbot 52 renew all SSL certificates with certbot 52 responsive menu research full screen multi level 52 responsive three box section with tabular data or table data 52 return a state name from an australian postcode 52 rtrim strip white space or strings from the end of a string 52 rtrim strip white space or strings from the end of a string 52 scroll left animation 52 search a zip file with windows command prompt and 7zip 52 search bug Above 52 select onchange 52 set the amount of lines to show in a textarea field

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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James Clear
Random CSS Property


The border-top shorthand CSS property sets all the properties of an element's top border.
border-top css reference