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49 mini css code related sub domain 49 darken background image using css 49 darkmode toggle switch with local storage to remember the last selection 49 design nice block header 49 digital clock with jquery 49 do something later with settimeout or loop with setinterval 49 document placeholder for a4 in portrait 49 dont use md5 for password hashing using password_hash and password_verify 49 dont use md5 for password hashing using password_hash and password_verify 49 dropdown change input box on select 49 echo todays date and time in a nice format 49 echo todays date and time in a nice format 49 extract meta attributes with simple html dom 49 extract meta attributes with simple html dom 49 extract meta tags from file or url as array 49 extract meta tags from file or url as array 49 extract variables from url string php 49 extract youtube image from video url 49 extracting the useful bits of bootstrap 49 extracting the useful bits of bootstrap 49 extracting the useful bits of bootstrap 49 fancybox image popout easy 49 filter drop shadow 49 filter drop shadow 49 find all elements add class jquery 49 find all elements add class jquery 49 find and replace hrefs in existing page links using jquery 49 fix view page for search links [reported] 49 flems embed in url 49 flems embed in url 49 flex shorthand css 49 flexbox layout template 49 floating message box on bottom right of screen with close button 49 for loop with a 5 increment 49 for loop with a 5 increment 49 for loop with a 5 increment 49 foundation accordion for version 6.x 49 foundation responsive tables 49 function to delete older sqlite records when the limit is reached 49 function to delete older sqlite records when the limit is reached 49 gallery carousel center mode 49 generating all css colours with php? 49 get and show the featured image on a wordpress page template 49 get and show the featured image on a wordpress page template 49 get and show the featured image on a wordpress page template 49 get current class name with get_class 49 get current class name with get_class 49 get element by id and hide it 49 get element by id with javascript 49 get element by id with javascript

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
In this case my anchor this week becomes driving almost 2hrs outside of Atlanta to one of my favorite hard core gyms in the world.. MetroFlex aka The Dungeon. The gym owners turn the heat way up so it becomes a fun sweat box and the gym members just watch from afar and leave me alone. I happily drive myself long distances to find MY ANCHOR. Our anchor allows us to have balance, focus and be as productive as possible. And if you're in the middle of a heavy set and your headphones start to fall off your head, like mine did here.. well.. f*ck the headphones. Let em break and fall. You can always get a new pair, but the iron ain't ever gonna lift itself.
Random CSS Property


The :visited CSS pseudo-class represents links that the user has already visited. For privacy reasons, the styles that can be modified using this selector are very limited.
:visited css reference