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15 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 15 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 15 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 15 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 15 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 15 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 15 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 15 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 15 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 15 logo tickers marquee slow scrolling 15 loop through $_GET in php 15 loop through $_GET in php 15 loop through $_GET in php 15 loop through $_GET in php 15 loop through $_GET in php 15 loop through $_GET in php 15 loop through $_GET in php 15 loop through $_GET in php 15 loop through $_GET in php 15 loop through a complex object json javascript 15 loop through a complex object json javascript 15 loop through a complex object json javascript 15 loop through a complex object json javascript 15 loop through a complex object json javascript 15 loop through a complex object json javascript 15 loop through each directory in a target directory 15 loop through each directory in a target directory 15 loop through each directory in a target directory 15 loop through each directory in a target directory 15 loop through each directory in a target directory 15 loop through each directory in a target directory 15 loop through each directory in a target directory and compress them 15 loop through each directory in a target directory and compress them 15 loop through each directory in a target directory and compress them 15 loop through each directory in a target directory and compress them 15 loop through each directory in a target directory and compress them 15 loop through each directory in a target directory and compress them 15 loop through each directory in a target directory and compress them 15 loop through each directory in a target directory and compress them 15 loop through each directory in a target directory and compress them 15 loop through object json javascript 15 loop through object json javascript 15 loop through object json javascript 15 loop through object json javascript 15 loop through object json javascript 15 loop through object json javascript 15 loop through object json javascript 15 loop to arr.length or array length 15 loop to arr.length or array length 15 loop to arr.length or array length

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
“We ought to take outdoor walks in order that the mind may be strengthened and refreshed by the open air and much breathing.".
Random CSS Property


The font-weight CSS descriptor allows authors to specify font weights for the fonts specified in the @font-face rule. The font-weight property can separately be used to set how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed.
font-weight (@font-face) css reference