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3 background image greyscale filter while foreground is still in colour 3 background image on 3 boxes not scaling correctly fix 3 background image on 3 boxes not scaling correctly fix 3 background image on 3 boxes not scaling correctly fix 3 background image on 3 boxes not scaling correctly fix 3 backup script to google drive that can be used for multiple directories 3 backup script to google drive that can be used for multiple directories 3 backup script to google drive that can be used for multiple directories 3 badge border colour is too dark or light on number badges [fixed] 3 badge border colour is too dark or light on number badges [fixed] 3 badge placement is offset in list pages [fixed] 3 badge placement is offset in list pages [fixed] 3 badge placement is offset in list pages [fixed] 3 basic for loop 3 basic for loop 3 basic for loop odd numbers 3 basic for loop odd numbers 3 basic radio checklist - check and item and get its value in a textarea 3 basic radio checklist - check and item and get its value in a textarea 3 basic radio checklist - check and item and get its value in a textarea 3 basic radio checklist - check and item and get its value in a textarea 3 basic section item with foundation wrap and grid - single item in section 3 basic section item with foundation wrap and grid - single item in section 3 basic section item with foundation wrap and grid - single item in section 3 basic section item with foundation wrap and grid - single item in section 3 best way to write html into an existing page javascript 3 best way to write html into an existing page javascript 3 best way to write html into an existing page javascript 3 blur the background image while keeping the foreground normal 3 blur the background image while keeping the foreground normal 3 blur the background image while keeping the foreground normal 3 bold the numbers in a ol li list 3 bold the numbers in a ol li list 3 bold the numbers in a ol li list 3 bold the numbers in a ol li list 3 bootstrap alert template 3 bootstrap alert template 3 bootstrap basic grid layout 3 bootstrap basic grid layout 3 bootstrap basic grid layout 3 bootstrap basic grid layout 3 bootstrap collapse or toggle a div visibility 3 bootstrap dark mode 3 bootstrap dark mode 3 bootstrap dark mode 3 bootstrap form basic 3 bootstrap form basic 3 bootstrap form basic 3 bootstrap form basic 3 bootstrap form basic

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote

Please dont do this! 😜

Unknown Web Developer
Random CSS Property


The font-stretch CSS descriptor allows authors to specify a normal, condensed, or expanded face for the fonts specified in the @font-face rule.
font-stretch (@font-face) css reference