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39 check if a query string item is set in the current url 39 check if a timestamp is older than one hour 39 check if a ul contains a ul li 39 check if a variable is undefined or NULL 39 check if a variable is undefined or NULL 39 check if something is an array 39 check if something is an array 39 check if something is an array 39 check if something is an array 39 check if the file is a directory or check if the directory exists in php 39 check if the file is a directory or check if the directory exists in php 39 check length of element jquery 39 check length of element jquery 39 check that a number is in the correct range based on a form selection 39 check that a number is in the correct range based on a form selection 39 check the server method post or get using php 39 check the server method post or get using php 39 check the server method post or get using php 39 checking for spam comments function 39 checking for spam comments function 39 chevron down 39 chevron right 39 chevron right thick and pointy edges base64 39 chevron up 39 clear a input field when it looses focus using onblur 39 click through an overlay element pointer events 39 codemirror htmlmixed textarea 39 codemirror htmlmixed textarea 39 compare non equality function 39 console dir usage 39 console dir usage 39 console table rather than console log for javascript objects and arrays 39 convert a string into its html entitles using php htmlentities function 39 convert a string into its html entitles using php htmlentities function 39 convert a string to uppercase with php 39 convert a string to uppercase with php 39 convert characters to entities using javascript replace 39 convert characters to entities using javascript replace 39 convert characters to entities using javascript replace 39 convert characters to entities using javascript replace 39 copy a file when the date of the source is newer than the destination 39 copy a file when the date of the source is newer than the destination 39 copy a file when the date of the source is newer than the destination 39 copy file 39 copy image to data uri using chrome base64 encode 39 copy image to data uri using chrome base64 encode 39 copy image to data uri using chrome base64 encode 39 count the elements in an array 39 count the elements in an array 39 count total results from distinct sqlite

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
The problem with hoarding is you end up living off your reserves. Eventually, you’ll become stale. If you give away everything you have, you are left with nothing. This forces you to look, to be aware, to replenish. . . . Somehow the more you give away, the more comes back to you.
Paul Arden
Random CSS Property


The <image> CSS data type represents a two-dimensional image.
image() css reference