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38 fix for wordpress requesting ftp login details installing plugins 38 fix view page for search links [reported] 38 fix view page for search links [reported] 38 fixing the website footer and making it less ugly 38 fixing the website footer and making it less ugly 38 flems embed in url 38 flex align center vertical horizontal 38 flex align center vertical horizontal 38 flex shorthand css 38 flexbox layout template 38 flexbox layout template 38 flexbox layout template 38 font similar to century gothic questrial google font quick install 38 font similar to century gothic questrial google font quick install 38 for loop set variables $p1,$p2.. etc as blank - variable variables 38 for loop set variables $p1,$p2.. etc as blank - variable variables 38 for loop set variables $p1,$p2.. etc as blank - variable variables 38 for loop through an array with javascript 38 force existing link to open in a new window with javascript 38 form checkbox replacement with large tick using label 38 form elements australian state list 38 foundation accordion for version 6.x 38 foundation base html template - foundation template 38 foundation base html template - foundation template 38 foundation grid for 6.6x - also known as the foundation xy grid 38 foundation grid for 6.6x - also known as the foundation xy grid 38 foundation make row full width 38 foundation old grid format 38 foundation old grid format 38 foundation responsive tables 38 foundation responsive tables 38 foundation responsive tables 38 foundation responsive tables 38 foundation responsive tables 38 foundation responsive tables 38 foundation three boxes with text align links to the bottom of element 38 foundation three boxes with text align links to the bottom of element 38 foundation three boxes with text align links to the bottom of element 38 function to create a uid from html 38 function to create a uid from html 38 generate random username function in php 38 generate view statistics widget in php class extend 38 get and show the featured image on a wordpress page template 38 get current class name with get_class 38 get current class name with get_class 38 get element by class name with javascript and change it function 38 get element by class name with javascript and change it function 38 get element by class name with javascript and change it function 38 get element by id and hide it 38 get element by id with javascript

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
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Random CSS Property


The <basic-shape> CSS data type represents a shape used in the clip-path, shape-outside, and offset-path properties.
inset() css reference