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129 layout homepage 129 list a functions variables or arguments 129 python Install Beautiful Soup 129 scroll down the page using a button click 129 set a css grid to auto to make it stack on mobile 129 set the html of an element javascript 129 use a list group for listing by category page [todo] 129 wordpress get template directory 129 zoom background of element when active 128 How to add jquery to squarespace site 128 RS3 Most Efficient Skilling Methods - With Videos 128 Steps to install mac os on windows virtual machine 128 Use Recursion to Count Down 128 Windows 10 on a 32 Gig eMMC Drive with Updates - Solved 128 append a query string to all url's on a page 128 check if a timestamp is older than one hour 128 check if a timestamp is older than one hour 128 do something later with settimeout or loop with setinterval 128 duplicate a line in vscode shortcut 128 find and replace hrefs in existing page links using jquery 128 generate a random color rgb code with php 128 how to make a transparent logo white with css 128 load from fields array php class function 128 load oldest item based on insdate then update the insdate to now - load_latest_single_update 128 php get the file modified time with filemtime 128 preserve tabs in textarea when tab key is pressed 128 python getting started notes 128 replace anything in brackets in a string using preg_replace regex php 128 sqlite delete data older than timestamp days 128 start ssh and add key git 128 twitter social sharing meta tags 128 use javascript to open a link in a new tab or window 127 Core Class - Basic Core Structure 127 Easy Meta Tags 127 Fast and Furious 2022 127 Fix for PHP Warning Trying to get property '*name*' of non-object 127 How Many Days Since a Date and other Calculations 127 RS3 Runescape Archaeology 1-99 Leveling Guide List (of where to dig) 127 Use destructuring assignment to swap the values of a and b 127 Your Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) is supported until... 127 append a query string to all url's on a page 127 change file permissions to -rw-rw-r-- 127 check if a ul contains a ul li 127 enable dark mode in tinymce 127 get last month as a number with php 127 get the current working directory in php 127 php function to remove the query string from a url 127 python Install Beautiful Soup 127 python extract title tag from url and html using regex 127 return a state name from an australian postcode

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good link, i usually add it here and then forget about it. more...

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🪦 2000 - 16 Oct 2022 - Boots
Random Quote
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein
Random CSS Property


The :current CSS pseudo-class selector is a time-dimensional pseudo-class that represents the element, or an ancestor of the element, that is currently being displayed. For example in a video with captions which are being displayed by WebVTT.
:current css reference